Access Bars is a set of tools and techniques designed to help us change any aspect of our lives that we aren’t satisfied with.

BARS® therapy, if to be described in one word- is -Clearing- removing   our blockades, fears, traumatic experiences, and memories in a gentle, safe and encouraging way.

Bars is a very enjoyable treatment and it can be given to adults, children, babies and pregnant women equally. An Access Bars practitioner touches a person’s head and activates 32 points ( bars) holding  memorized  electromagnetic  components of all our thoughts, ideas, points of view, decisions and beliefs we have ever had, about medical treatment, money, getting older, our body, control, awareness, creativity, energy, etc. Every single thought, idea, point of view, decision or belief we have fixed, reinforces the energy and imposes limits on our ability to act in that field of our life smoothly. That is why it often happens that we often feel like we are stuck in some parts of our lives from where we can’t go back or forth. Bars therapy helps these vast energies that make us stuck disappear easily and we can simply  let go of everything we don’t need…

BARS points are activated by gentle touch and thus allow energy to flow smoothly and release all our limiting pressures that stop us from making progress and live our lives to the full.

Access Bars® is good for 

  • Immediate relief from tension and stress
  • Fears to disappear
  • Better learning, concentration, focusing attention- pupils and students
  • Sleeping problems and lack of sleep
  • Achieving remarkable results in sports
  • Higher productivity at work and in business- clearer views and easy  decision making
  • Harmony with ourselves and the environment
  • Overall good condition of a body as a result of  clearing and removing electromagnetic tension of our thoughts and ideas.

What does it work for?

It works for a lot of different things. It is primarily used for deleting programs which are the roots of many dysfunctional behavior or relationship issues.

Depressions and panic attacks, traumas, phobias, anxiety disorder, addictions, fears, old beliefs, inheritance we were born with and have received and wide range of health problems can be treated with Bars therapy. 

Special results are achieved with children with lack of attention, either hyperactive or not, with or without ADHD, and with people who used to suffer or are suffering from neurological problems.

A pilot study has shown that symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression have decreased by 85 % among people who have undergone Bars treatment .

Pace and intensity of treatment action

It has shown that Bars therapy certainly gives the fastest results and that is why it has flourished all over the world. Bars has helped thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives like sleeping, anxiety, stress, relationships, weight, health, money. A lot of people testify to the amazing transformations in their lives and health issues, to the changes they have never even dreamed about; however, we do not want you to expect totally the same, we are not giving any details now. Everyone receives as much as they are able to at the moment. 

Our expectations about what the healing process should look like, our ideas about the ways the change is going to happen, can often stop us and set us few steps backwards in our route to success. It would be much easier if we didn’t have such expectations. 

The complexity of the problem itself sets the pace, rhythm and number of treatment sessions. The less fixed points of view end expectations, the better and quicker are the results.

BARS therapy can be given to anyone. There are no side effects. It is highly recommended to people who are constantly stressed, managers, students, pupils, sports people, little kids and pregnant women… To all of us who crave a change in any aspect of our lives, or just want to relax and let go of everything they find stressful.


vAccess Bars® therapy technique

Access Bars is a set of tools and techniques designed to help us change any aspect of our lives that we aren’t satisfied with.

BARS® therapy, if to be described in one word- is -Clearing- removing   our blockades, fears, traumatic experiences, and memories in a gentle, safe and encouraging way.

Bars is a very enjoyable treatment and it can be given to adults, children, babies and pregnant women equally. An Access Bars practitioner touches a person’s head and activates 32 points ( bars) holding  memorized  electromagnetic  components of all our thoughts, ideas, points of view, decisions and beliefs we have ever had, about medical treatment, money, getting older, our body, control, awareness, creativity, energy, etc. Every single thought, idea, point of view, decision or belief we have fixed, reinforces the energy and imposes limits on our ability to act in that field of our life smoothly. That is why it often happens that we often feel like we are stuck in some parts of our lives from where we can’t go back or forth. Bars therapy helps these vast energies that make us stuck disappear easily and we can simply  let go of everything we don’t need…

BARS points are activated by gentle touch and thus allow energy to flow smoothly and release all our limiting pressures that stop us from making progress and live our lives to the full.

Access Bars® is good for 

Immediate relief from tension and stress.

Fears to disappear

Better learning, concentration, focusing attention- pupils and students

Sleeping problems and lack of sleep

Achieving remarkable results in sports

Higher productivity at work and in business- clearer views and easy  decision making

Harmony with ourselves and the environment

Overall good condition of a body as a result of  clearing and removing electromagnetic tension of our thoughts and ideas.

What does it work for?

It works for a lot of different things. It is primarily used for deleting programs which are the roots of many dysfunctional behavior or relationship issues.

Depressions and panic attacks, traumas, phobias, anxiety disorder, addictions, fears, old beliefs, inheritance we were born with and have received and wide range of health problems can be treated with Bars therapy. 

Special results are achieved with children with lack of attention, either hyperactive or not, with or without ADHD, and with people who used to suffer or are suffering from neurological problems.

A pilot study has shown that symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression have decreased by 85 % among people who have undergone Bars treatment .

Pace and intensity of treatment action

It has shown that Bars therapy certainly gives the fastest results and that is why it has flourished all over the world. Bars has helped thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives like sleeping, anxiety, stress, relationships, weight, health, money. A lot of people testify to the amazing transformations in their lives and health issues, to the changes they have never even dreamed about; however, we do not want you to expect totally the same, we are not giving any details now. Everyone receives as much as they are able to at the moment. 

Our expectations about what the healing process should look like, our ideas about the ways the change is going to happen, can often stop us and set us few steps backwards in our route to success. It would be much easier if we didn’t have such expectations. 

The complexity of the problem itself sets the pace, rhythm and number of treatment sessions. The less fixed points of view end expectations, the better and quicker are the results.

BARS therapy can be given to anyone. There are no side effects. It is highly recommended to people who are constantly stressed, managers, students, pupils, sports people, little kids and pregnant women… To all of us who crave a change in any aspect of our lives, or just want to relax and let go of everything they find stressful.

